Perry Kaufman AMA Optimized

Perry Kaufman AMA Optimized


Added an external parameter named AMA_Trend_Type that defines the choice of trend detecting method.


AMA_Trend_Type is nonzero: The difference between the current value of AMA (AMA[0]) and the value of AMA on the preceding bar (AMA[1]) is measured.


deltaAMA=AMA[0]-AMA[1]. The trend detection sensitivity is set in points as dK*Point.


If deltaAMA>dK*Point, then this is the uptrend, a blue point will be put onto the AMA line (as shown in the figure below).


If deltaAMA<dK*Point, then this is the downtrend, a red point will be put onto the AMA line.


AMA_Trend_Type is equal to zero: The array of AMA values on the latest PeroidAMA bars is taken and standard deviation StdAMA is calculated.

The trend detection sensitivity is set in standard deviations as dK*StdAMA.

If deltaAMA>dK*StdAMA, then this is the uptrend, a blue point will be put onto the AMA line.
If deltaAMA<dK*StdAMA, then this is the downtrend, a red point will be put onto the AMA line.


The default value of the AMA_Trend_Type=1, the modification of the AMA is measured in points.

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