Daily trend ZCOMForex

Daily trend ZCOMForex

A very useful indicator to show the trend of 4 currency pairs on your charts.


You will be able to choose 4 currency pairs to show a daily trend.

The trend is determined by these indicators:

Smoothed Moving Average (100) of H1 chart;

Smoothed Moving Average (50) of H1 chart;

Stochastic (30,1,3) of H4 chart.

The trend is Down when SMA(50) < SMA(100) and Stochastic is below 50 levels. The trend is Up when SMA(50) > SMA(100) and Stochastic is above 50 levels. There is a Flat determined when SMA(50) > SMA(100) and Stochastic is below 50 level and vice versa.

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