Daily Change (Percentage Indicator)
Daily Change (Percentage Indicator)
This indicator shows the % Daily Change of yesterday close with respect to actual price (Bid).
It calculates the percentage change between yesterday close price and the actual bid price.
It works on any timeframe.
External Modifications:
You can modify the following settings:
Label_Color = DarkBlue // You can change the font color
Font_Size = 14 // You can modify the font size
X_Position = 3 // You can modify X position (distance) from corner
Y_Position = 3 // You can modify Y position (distance) from corner
Corner_Position = 2 // You cna select the corner position (0: Top Left / 1: Top Right / 2: Bottom Left / 3: Bottom Right)
You can modify the color and size:
Colour: You can change the colour for Up Movement, Down Movement and No Movement
Size: You can change the text font size and the arrow size
u can modify the position of text and arrow:
X_Position You can modify X position (distance) from corner
Y_Position You can modify Y position (distance) from corner
Corner_Position You can select the corner position (0: Top Left / 1: Top Right / 2: Bottom Left / 3: Bottom Right)