The indicator displays the time of the trading session.
// CloqCorner - 0 = top left, 1 = top right, 2 = bottom left, 3 = bottom right // DispGMT - Display GMT Time // DispLocal - Display Local Time // DispLondon - Display London Time // DispTokyo - Display Tokyo Time // DispNY - Display New York Time // DispBroker - Display Brokers Time // LabelColor - Color of city label // ClockColor - Color of clock
Input Parameters:
extern int CloqCorner =2; extern bool DispGMT =true; extern bool DispLocal =true; extern bool DispLondon =false; extern bool DispTokyo =false; extern bool DispNY =false; extern bool DispBroker =true; extern color LabelColor =Black; extern color ClockColor =Black;