Indicators Based on the MUV Described by Sator
Indicators Based on the MUV Described by Sator
The MUV% indicator calculates the current position between the maximum and minimum within the KPeriod period using the calling of the MUV.
At that, there is a possibility to use both the difference between the current and the previous value of the MUV and its value itself.
- MAPeriod = 14; the period of the MUV indicator;
- MUV KPeriod = 14; the period of calculation of the minimum and maximum;
- ShowDif = true; show the indicator by the difference;
- ShowMUV = true; show the indicator by the value;
The MUV_Diff indicator is just the difference of the MUV values.
MAPeriod = 14; the period of the MUV indicator;
SMA and EMA are used in both indicators.
On the chart: the MUV with 0 and 1 methods.
The next one is the MUV% with disabled ShowDif.
Then comes the MUV% with disabled ShowMUV.
And the last one is the MUV_Diff.